FODAC Service Project

The Harris County Club members collected used medical equipment in the community in several ways to donate to FODAC for refurbishing.

Ways we collected.

1-Publisied a flyer that stated we were going to collect these donations at our annual Community Shed Day Event

2- Made phone calls and went to several senior living facility around the community and pick up equipment.

Our total combined estimated value from our donations total was = $185,545.00

YES - $185,545.00 (see attached) (See Picture)

Also in conjunction with FODAC when the flood waters of Kentucky devastated several towns and many homes. We with FODAC put together a 24' trailer filled with these refinished supplies and medical equipment (completely full). these supplies were used to replace items that were lost in the flood. We drove the 7 hour trip to three areas to deliver the goods directly to those in need. The balance of the supplies were left at the Emergency Response Warehouse in that effected area. (see pictures)

This equipment and services are used for adults and children with disabilities to improve their overall quality of life and assist individuals with disabilities. Providing these free or low-cost wheelchairs and other home medical equipment (HME), vehicle and home adaptations and more will hopefully make every day a little easier, and a little more affordable, for these people in need.

Partner Involvement
FODAC - help with refurbishing and van trucks for pick up

Collecting Equipment #1



Collecting Equipment #2



Collecting Equipment #3

FODAC #2.jpg

FODAC #2.jpg

Delivery to Kentucky



FODAC Equipment Estimate

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FODAC - Copy of RC Harris County Equipment Drives.pdf